Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The storefront renovation process

This storefront was my inspiration.  I had been toying with the idea of rebranding Birds Chasing Bugs Vintage, hoping to leave behind the whimsical name for something a bit more sophisticated, when I discovered that this little gem of a building was up for rent.  Ready for an adventure, I took the plunge and signed the lease.  About 4 weeks went by, and through some of the hottest, doggiest days of summer, we transformed this former framing studio into an intimate space to share my ever-growing vintage collection.
The platform we built to hide the icky floor. 

Matt, testing out our custom pipe racks


The varnish made a huge difference on the platform. It really brought out the depth in the birch grain. 

Matt was always reaching.  This time, to put the cover back on our 85-year-old ac. 

Freshly painted, these doors are ready to open.

Almost there. 

The racks are stocked!  Bring on the public. 

'We' is the operative word here.  Like most things worth doing, I didn't do this alone.  My mom was my start-up funds partner, and Matt, my boyfriend, has been the willing laborer (and at many points, the brains behind the operation.) My friends were more than willing to lend a hand, and throughout this process, it's not possible that I have said 'thank you' enough.  So one more time, for the whole world to hear, THANK YOU! 


  1. Amber, the store looks awesome! Thanks for directing me to your new sight and new store, we will have to stop in and visit your place soon!!

  2. Thanks! It has changed so much in the short time that we've been open. I'm looking at these photos now and really wanting to pare it down a bit. I need to post some updated photos!
