Friday, January 13, 2012

breakfast pizza!

I didn't start this year out with true resolutions, but I did have a long list of goals.  Things like
+ stop neglecting my blog ( It has been how many days since my last post?  Woops!)
+ take a little more time for myself
+ cook more
+ say no to plastic bags, even if I have to fight the cashier (some place just simply HAVE to give these to you!)
+ bite of smaller chunks of tasks (don't overwhelm myself)

The list goes on, and I'm spending more brain power thinking about these things that will make a difference in the quality of my life.  My most recent triumph is pizza dough!  Mastering the art of a home-made pizza is something that makes me happy and saves big dough (ba dum *tssssh*). 

I've started out with Jay's Signature Pizza Dough Recipe, which is super basic, and quite reliable.  It yields enough to make a few crusts, if you get good at stretching the dough.  I have two sitting in my refrigerator right now, and I just can't wait to fill them with tasty, melty cheese.   My true triumph this week was a breakfast pizza.

Toppings include strawberry jam, dried cherries, dried apricots, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, blue cheese, and a sprinkling of brown sugar (all things I had on hand.)

Now I'm hungry.


  1. amber, you successfully make me hungry too~
    aah, it looks yummy ;9
